November 16, 2009


Septimus Heap, Book Four: QuesteTitle : Queste
Author : Angie Sage
Reading Dates : 17 Nov - 20 Nov 2009

Book Summary of Queste

6 months after Septimus Heap returns to his own Time and mixes the tincture of Everlasting Youth for Marcellus Pye, Marcellus finally starts to remember what happened to Septimus's brother Nicko and Snorri Snorrelsen who were trapped 500 years in the past. Marcellus tells them that Nicko and Snorri left for the House of Foryx where All Times Do Meet which was located in the deep forests of the Low Countries.

At the same time, Merrin Meredith formerly mistaken for Septimus and apprenticed to the late DomDaniel has returned to cause trouble for Septimus and his friends. Merrin recruits the help of Tertius Fume, the troublemaking ghost of the First Chief Hermetic Scribe. Tertius proposes to send Septimus on a Queste from which no Apprentice has returned for the past few centuries.

Septimus, Jenna and their friend Beetle manage to escape from the Wizard Tower and the Gathering of ExtraOrdinary Wizard ghosts. However, Septimus is tricked into accepting the Queste stone in the ensuing chaos.

With the help of their older brother Sam, they travel to the forests of the Low Countries via the Forest Way and proceed to make their way to the House of Foryx despite the frequent interference of the Thing sent by Tertius Fume.

Septimus, Jenna and Beetle are reunited with Nicko and Snorri once they arrive within the House of Foryx. Not only that, Septimus learns the true meaning of the Queste and the origins of the House of Foryx. Septimus learns first hand from the First ExtraOrdinary Wizard Hotep-Ra, that he created the House of Foryx and it was originally intended as a reward to the Apprentice who had completed their 7 year training, but it had unfortunately been twisted by Tertius Fume. Luckily, Septimus will be the last Apprentice who will need to go on the Queste as Septimus had got the last Queste stone.

Septimus and his friends then safely return home after contacting his master, the current ExtraOrdinary Wizard Marcia Overstrand to come pick them up.

Book Review of Queste.
Queste unfortunately does not feel like much of Quest story. Although Septimus is on a Queste, for most of the book it feels as if he and his friends are simply "going with the flow" while attempting to find a way to reach Nicko and Snorri.

And there are loose ends to the story as well. Tertius Fume and Merrin Meredith are both unrepentant and do not get their just desserts at the end of the story. In fact, they are free to cause more havoc in the future. Beetle remains jobless after being unfairly fired by the Chief Scribe.

Then, there is Septimus's meeting with Hotep-Ra. This is after all the First ExtraOrdinary Wizard and he does not even spend any time trying to learn more about the magical items he has inherited like the Dragon Boat.

The only bright spot to the story seems to be Simon Heap's rehabilitation. Simon finally sees the error of his ways and is determined to redeem himself. Hopefully, this paves the way for a Heap family reunion.

Links of Interest.

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